The life of an entrepreneur is one of a simple principal, risk versus reward. It is a life that one cannot understand until they embark on this crazy journey. We have all heard the heroic stories of Apple, Google, Disney and the likes, starting in a garage and achieving greatness. What many fail to realize, is just how slow of a process building a business can be.
I don't know your story yet, maybe it was just me, but when I ventured out and started my own business, I expected things to move quickly. I thought within 2 weeks tops, clients would be banging down the door to work with Still Water Financial Operations. Boy, was I wrong! Though our process was strong and the need for our services great, it still took time to win over the trust of our audience.
In that time of waiting, there wasn't much to do besides self reflect on the decisions that had led me to this point. Doubt, fear, stress, practically every emotion you can think of, came and went on a daily basis. Luckily, I had a strong team of mentors lighting the way and keeping the faith when all looked lost. From that experience, I was able to drill down to the exact reasons on why I started this journey and more importantly, why I should keep going.
I knew the work we performed, changed the lives of small business owners. Our services provided them more time with family, less stress about the position of their company, and an overall enjoyment for what they do again. The simple fact of knowing why we are in business, provides the encouragement to carry on.
So the question for you is a simple one. What makes you carry on when things get tough? Is it the freedom of working for yourself? The opportunity to financially provide a better life for your family? Or is it knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of those around you? Whatever the case may be, as someone on the other side now, I can honestly say it is worth it. Though business can still get tough, the reward far outweighs the risk! What are you willing to put on the line, to reach your full potential?
As always, we would love to hear your stories of success and the struggles you went through to achieve it. Be sure to comment below!